We believe church membership is important because it’s biblical & because it’s built around relationships. We like to think of it like joining a family. A healthy family has common beliefs, purposes, and commitments. That’s why we’ve designed a special class that will clearly explain who we are, what we believe, and where we’re going as a church. We call it the Becoming a Member class.
When you become a member, you commit to be an active part of the work God is doing through the Del Sol family & are letting other members in the church commit to care for you. It’s not just about having your name on a roster but belonging with the people of God & using your gifts to make a difference.
There are four basic requirements to become a member of Del Sol:
1. Salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. The church is a group of believers on mission for God, so to be a member you need to have a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior.
2. Baptism by immersion. The Great Commission tells us to make disciples (followers of Jesus), then baptize them, then teach them to obey Jesus. Being baptized by immersion after you’ve trusted in Jesus is the biblical way to show your commitment to Jesus Christ.
3. Attend the Becoming a Member class: Attend this one-session class to learn about our heart, vision, DNA, and strategy as a church – and how you can truly belong!
4. Sign the Membership Covenant: Signing a covenant is a physical way to express your commitment to Jesus & the Del Sol Church family. The covenant is a good-faith agreement that you align with our statement of faith & strategy as a church, and will do your part to share the responsibility, support the message, protect the unity, and make a difference in your church.
If you’re interested in becoming a member of Del Sol Church, click the button below to sign up for the next Becoming a Member class. There you will have an opportunity to officially join the Del Sol family as a church member!
*Note: If both spouses in a household would like to become members, please have both spouses register & attend. One person cannot join on behalf of their spouse or household.
What is Rooted? / Que es Raíces?Rooted is a 10-week discipleship program and a catalyst for life-change. It provokes questions and conversations and group experiences designed to give you a glimpse of your story in God’s story. There is a $25 cost per person for Rooted to cover the cost of materials for the experience. Raíces es un programa de discipulado de 10 semanas y un catalizador para el cambio de vida. Provoca preguntas y conversaciones y experiencias grupales diseñadas para darte una idea de tu historia en la historia de Dios. El costo de Rooted es de 25 dólares por persona para cubrir el material de la experiencia.
When does Rooted launch? / Cuando comienza Raíces?Rooted launches Raíces se lanza el
What if I cannot make all ten weeks? / Que pasa si no puedo hacer las diez semanas?We understand that Rooted is a large time commitment, but we believe it is worth it to invest in the entire process. If you know you are going to miss more than 2 meetings, we ask that you wait until the next session of Rooted. The 10 weeks are a cumulative experience, and so we ask that every participant commit to honor each other with being at every meeting. Entendemos que Raíces es un compromiso de tiempo grande, pero creemos que vale la pena invertir en todo el proceso. Si usted sabe que va a perder más de 2 reuniones, le pedimos que espere hasta la próxima sesión de Raíces. Las 10 semanas son una experiencia acumulada, por lo que pedimos que cada participante se comprometa a honrar mutuamente con estar en cada reunión.
How will my Rooted group be chosen? / Cómo se eligirá mi grupo de Raíces?Our Rooted team will prayerfully create the groups that are available for people to join and based on that, one has the opportunity to join the group that better suits their time and schedule. Nuestro equipo de Raíces creará en oración los grupos que están disponibles para que las personas se unan y en base a eso, uno tiene la oportunidad de unirse al grupo que mejor se adapte a su tiempo y horario.
Can I facilitate a Rooted group? / Puedo facilitar un grupo de Raíces?Rooted Facilitators get a front row seat to something remarkable – God transforming lives. Rooted leaders must have graduated from Rooted and agree to our leadership commitment. Los facilitadores de Raíces obtienen un asiento de primera fila para algo notable: Dios transforma vidas. Los líderes de Raíces deben haberse graduado de Raíces y aceptar nuestro compromiso de liderazgo.
Scholarships / BecasWe believe that Rooted is such a life changing experience and we want everyone to participate! For more information, contact Pastor James Romero or Kim Fariñas. If you have been impacted by Rooted and would like to give back, donate to the Rooted Scholarship Fund by designating your gifts to “Small Groups.” Creemos que Raíces es una experiencia que cambia la vida y queremos que todos participen! Entendemos que la cuota de registro de Raíces puede ser una carga para algunos y estamos encantados de proporcionar becas. Para más información, contacte al pastor James Romero o a Kim Fariñas. Si usted ha sido impactado por Raíces y le gustaría devolver, donar al fondo de becas Raíces designando sus ofrendas a “grupos pequeños”.